Saturday Radio Yachting at Yarrawonga

Saturday Radio Yachting at Yarrawonga plenty of fun for RC Laser sailors


Saturday the 22nd October saw the second competitive radio yachting round of the Yarrawonga Yacht Club Radio Controlled Division for the 2016 series.

RC Sailors were greeted with winds up to twenty knots with D rigs on the Lasers and B rigs on the Dragon Flites. Racing in the confines of the lagoon, Peter from Ballarat showed the fleet of 5 RC yachts how it’s done. He was closely followed by Rob from Sydney. It was a great day and a lot was learnt by all.

The next sailing of the YYC RCD will be held on the Saturday 5th of November at 1 pm at the Yarrawonga  Yacht Club.

Visitors most welcome.

Radio Yachting at Yarrawonga
YYC RCD member Wayne Clement sailing his RC yacht 226 towards the finishing line in the recently held RC Laser National Championships.

A Conversation Starter…..

RC Laser







Have you got a RC Laser question that you need answered?

From time to time we get emailed questions about the challenges of radio yachting

You may or may not be aware of the booklet called ‘Go Faster’ – (gives guidelines on how to set up your RC Laser for the best performance). For those of you who have not seen it before, we attach a link for you to download.

Here is a report and some questions that we received recently from Rob Todd, a NZ RC Laser sailing skipper, sailing at the Southern Reservoir Yacht Club in Dunedin.
Comments to Rob’s questions will be most welcome.

As reported by Rob……

 “Wind was very light that day, and I experienced my first dunking of the Laser, but like the hardy boat it is, that was no hassle.
Although some of the guys were aware of the RC Laser class, there was more interest amongst the fleet than I was expecting. RC Laser

I had a great day sailing. My only issue was that the boom worked its way out of the socket at the gooseneck, not much, but enough to upset the down haul that I had on the luff of the sail causing a bit of a wrinkle at the bottom which upset the curve of the foot.

So, I have some questions about that…
Maybe I have to have the mainsheet set further out on the boom and have it currently set straight above the eye on the deck?
Maybe the mainsheet needs to be set further back so that there is bit of loading towards the gooseneck?
I would have thought the outhaul tension would have kept the boom driven towards the gooseneck. Can you lock the boom into the gooseneck?

Any comments??

Report and pictures: Rob Todd

Eventful Day for the Northlakes Radio Sailing Club Laser Series

Northlakes Radio Sailing Club Laser series Round three of  the Northlakes Radio Sailing Club Laser series was held in wild conditions on Sunday September 25th at Grahamstown Dam Sailing Club, near Newcastle.

A good entry of 15 skippers faced a very challenging day in 20 to 30 knot north westerly winds building up a lumpy onshore “surf”; with the final race being held in a violent rain squall.

Despite this (or because of it) most skippers enjoyed the challenge. Many swapping back and forth between C and D rigs trying to second guess conditions for each race.

One boat made a high speed break for the other side of the lake when launched with its receiver turned off! It was eventually caught by the rescue boat. Another had its rig lifted out clean of the hull when involved with a collision while running at the front of the fleet.

Northlakes Radio Sailing Club Laser series Racing was fast and furious, but at the end of the day Jason Rootes came out on top of round three of  the Northlakes Radio Sailing Club Laser series. With local member Graeme Auld impressing with second position in a loaned boat! Third was Daniel Bergan. After that positions were extremely close with several boats within 2 or 3 points.




Northlakes Radio Sailing Club Laser series
Jason Rootes (right) accepts his award from Brian Lindsay

Prizes were awarded, followed by a wine raffle in the Clubhouse after the event. Local “Horizons” host Club President Neil Wasson was thanked for their hospitality by NorthLakes President Brian Lindsay.

The final round of  the Northlakes Radio Sailing Club Laser series round is to be confirmed for the Newcastle Cruising Yacht Club.

Then the Club will commence regular Saturday racing on Lake Munmorah, at the Tom Burke reserve.



Further information from Brian Lindsay tel 0438589910

 Story by Derek Plante

Photos by Paul Martin

2016 Radio Controlled Laser National Championships results

The 2016 Radio Controlled Laser National Championships hosted in Yarrawonga by Patterson Lakes Radio Model Yacht Club over 17 – 18th September has  come and gone.

2016 radio controlled laser national championships results With the sails and sailing gear safely stowed away for the next event, we can’t help but to reflect on the great performance from many our RC Laser Sailors this past weekend.

With a record number of 42 competitors and 3 fleets (A, B & C), completing a good number of races proved to be a challenge during the two day regatta held at the Yarrawonga Yacht Club.  It was fantastic to see several new RC laser competitors and it took a few racing events to hit a smooth and fast rhythmic turnaround between fleets.

Saturday obliged us with excellent weather and good winds, and by lunch break, three radio controlled laser races (9 heats) had already been completed with Kirwan Robb taking an early lead followed closely by Jurgen Luther. This great start was in part due to the excellent launching facilities provided by the Yarrawonga Yacht Club. Four more races were held by the end of the extended day’s racing with Graham Brown finding himself in the lead on countback.

Saturday night rounded off a successful day’s sailing with a dinner held at the Yarrawonga Yacht Club, attended to by 78 people. Special mention goes to the organisers of this event especially Wendy Scholtes and her many helpers from the Yarrawonga Yacht Club.

2016 radio controlled laser national championships results Sunday’s weather proved foul with wet conditions delaying the start of racing until 11.30am.  Although wet underfoot with light fluky wind conditions, 27 radio control skippers braved the elements to finish a further three races for the day. Given the high flood waters in the region, the fast moving current played havoc with those not used to sailing under such conditions.
Nevertheless, the weather didn’t dampen spirits for long with the weekend proving to be a great success and thoroughly enjoyed by all.


A huge thank you to Patterson Lakes Radio Model Yacht Club, Yarrawonga Yacht Club and to all the people who made it happen – you all did a fantastic job!

2016 radio controlled laser national championships results A shout out goes to:

  • Scott Fleming – Event organiser
  • Frank Katers – PRO
  • Mario Gulic – Assistant
  • Jayne Fleming and Lynda Katers – Scorers
  • All the ‘behind the scene’ helpers: Tony Smith, Thomas Hutchison YYC, Noel McPherson DAC, Cliff Bromily, Peter Yates, Rod and Bill


Thank you to our generous event sponsors:

  • Radio Control Sailing Australia
  • Yarrawonga-Mulwala Visitor Information Centre

Last but not least, a big thank you to all the competitors for making the journey to the 2016 RC Laser National Championships.  Given the country location, everyone had to travel, although the Queenslanders could have packed a bit more sunshine into their kit.


2016 radio controlled laser national championships results  Event results are as follows:

1st place – Kirwan Robb

2nd place – Graham Brown

3rd place – Scott Fleming

Sportsmanship Award – Peter Haymes (Donated by Sail Prizes)


Words: Mario Gulic & Scott Fleming
Photos: Cliff Bromiley

2016 Radio controlled laser national championships results

Countdown To 2016 RC Laser National Championships 

2016 RC Laser National Championships
Scenic views of Lake Mulwala await those visiting Yarrawonga

The 2016 RC Laser National Championships Is Almost Here

Over a year in planning, finally the 2016 RC Laser National Championships is upon us!

To be held at Yarrawonga Yacht Club, Victoria over this coming weekend with a record number of competitors (43) and many first time RC Laser sailors, it’s a great start to what will certainly prove to be an exciting weekend.

Due to the large number of entrants, fleets will be split into A, B & C fleets, allowing sailors of similar skill sets to compete against each other after the first couple of races.

A new addition to the RC Laser event will be the breakdown of awards into four age groups. These include:

  • Mariner up to 55
  • Captain 55-61
  • Master 62-65
  • Sea Master 66+

2016 RC Laser National Championships – Schedule

The weekend will certainly prove to be a busy one with the event organisers and member hosts of the Patterson Lakes Radio Model Yacht Club going all out to ensure a successful weekend of events.

This includes:

  • Friday 16th September – Social practice sailing 11h00hrs – 1600hrs
  • Saturday 17th and Sunday 18th – RC Laser race event
  • Saturday night – Buffet Style Dinner at the Yacht Club
  • Sunday 18th September – Awards presentation
2016 RC Laser National Championships
The historic town of Yarrawonga

For those not competing and wanting to explore, Yarrawonga town is certainly one not to be missed. Boasting great restaurants and plenty to see and do within a great country feel, you will be spoilt for choice.

Good luck to all our RC Laser sailors competing in this year’s 2016 RC Laser National Championships.

This will be a great lead up to the 2017 RC Laser Championship of Nations next November in the Gold Coast.

Words by Scott Fleming