Well, we have sailed the 2022 RC Laser State Championships.
It was a great day because we have now emerged from the restrictions of the last few years.
It was a great day because we had interstate and intrastate sailors with us. We welcomed Peter Burton FTRYC and Peter Yates PLRMYC for the day.
It was a great day because.… it was just a great day.
The wind… ahhh yes, …. The wind…. We arrived and set up our boats, looking at the water and wind… It think we were salivating for some strong racing… a nice westerly – and up and down course in front of the deck… sun… what more could anyone want.
We lined up for the first race, and it all went to dust. The wind fell away, and the race was shortened to one lap. And that began the tale of the day. From then on, Race Officer Paul Martin set some interesting courses for us to sail. Technically not necessarily correct, but it allowed us to continue with our sailing.
The wind moved around, you might say; from south west to north east, and with all the north west sectors between.
I think we had a selection of all the variances of the wind, from dead calm to nose diving with our A sails. A couple of us changed to B’s when the wind was up, but it immediately died once the next race had started, so that was a forgone conclusion. Downwind finishes, upwind short race to the windward mark.. all the fun stuff; but in the end we got a result. We got in 15 races, when I was thinking we would be lucky to get half the number.
As usual, with that number of races, the cream rises to the top.
At the lunch break, Peter Burton was well in control; but Phil Stevenson and Graham Brown were close enough to bother him. However the juggling of positions for the lower places was where the real competition was; and in the final four races big changes of places took place. A great example of it not being over til it ends.
15 races – a lot of what-ifs arise if we had got another race in to get another race drop… ah well, that is what it is all about.
It was a pleasure to have our Foundation Member Paul Derwent on deck to present the medals for the top placings. Paul has been having health problems for a while now; and great to see him there again.
Race results:
2022 NSW RC Laser State Champion – Peter Burton
2nd place – Phil Stevenson
3rd Place – Graham Brown
Well sailed!
It is interesting to see how the top placings were spread through the fleet. Many of the lower placegetters scored highly at different times, but couldn’t maintain consistency to take full advantage of those placings. But that is a sign of good things to come.
There was a good tussle for the 4 to 9 placings.
I commend everyone who took part, and hope the experience will see you take on other similar events that will come up from now on.
The day would not have been the success that it was without the help of Graham, Brian, Jill and Brendon. On behalf of those who took part, thank you for your efforts.
Noel McPherson