RC Laser Racing 2014 Victorian Title

2014 VIC Title_Results

Congratulations to all of the sailors in the RC Laser racing 2014 Victorian State Title and in particular to Victorian Scott Fleming for defending his title.  The field included RC Laser sailors from South Australia, Barongarook and Colac.

South Australian Jurgen Luther added silver to his growing list of trophies and Cameron Davies who races with Scott at the Waterways/Patterson Lakes Club sailed well to take out the bronze.

Grey skies greeted the ten skippers on arrival at Patterson Lakes on the morning of Saturday 25th May and racing commenced at 10 am with a steady, light nor’easter.  The breeze steadily picked up and B sails quickly replaced the As.  The B sails prevailed through most of the day although C sails were tried out by some of the competitors as the breeze strengthened.

At the lunch break, the score-card had five skippers within a few points of each other, however the situation changed after the meal-break with Scott and Jurgen skipping clear and Cameron and Grant Gillespie (Colac) battling it out for the bronze.

Another RC Laser racing event decided and a great day had by all.

A big thanks to Frank Katers, PRO and Tony Smith, PRO’s assistant.

Victorian State Title – 25th May

Hi all,

A quick note to let you know that the victorian state title entry form is now available on the arya website

Here is a copy

RC Laser 2014 VIC Title Notice of Race

RC Laser 2014 VIC Title Entry Form

The $15 dollar entry fee includes a lunch.   That’s good value!

You must enter prior to the event and be a member of a club.  No entries on the day.

Please pass on this info to any others that might be interested.

Cheers Scott


A date has been confirmed – 26th and 27th July for what promises to be the biggest yet gathering of RC Laser sailors in Australia.

Who doesn’t love an excuse to head north in the middle of our southern winter – here it is …… the Championship is to be hosted by the Paradise Radio Yacht Club at Emerald Lakes on the Gold Coast, one of Australia’s premier radio yachting venues.

Time to get in early and book flights and accommodation

Watch this space for the Notice of Race and Entry instructions


HMAS Cerberus Open Day – RC Lasers on show

8 Skippers from the Patterson Lakes Model Yacht Club did a display sail at the Cerberus Open Day.

Many Thanks to Ned Whitely for organising the sailing.  The winds were a bit flukey not to mention the helicopter down drafts!  There was quite a bit of interest on the day, so hopefully more skippers in the future.

Thanks to the following Skippers for attending:

Ned Whitely

Scott & Jayne Fleming

Terry Rowe

Robin Talbot

Barry Johnson

Cameron Davies

Kevin De Groot

& Niki De Groot – the photographer.

A most enjoyable day was had by all – hopefully we can repeat the experience.

But more to the point a great display of RC Laser Sailing.

Regards Kevin De Groot

2013 Nationals Featured in The Examiner

It has been pleasing to have had so much media coverage of the 2013 Nationals  – at least 10 publications have run stories about the event.  Check this one out from The Examiner, Launceston’s daily newspaper.

2013_RCL Nats_The Examiner_750pxl