With Christmas and the holiday season coming up we wanted to give you a timely reminder of what a great event the Wallaroo 2024 RC Laser Nationals are likely to be. Here is the link to the Notice of Race for the event showing the planned sailing schedule.
The event will be sailed using the SHRS scoring system under the direction of RO, Stewart Ross. This scoring system means that less experienced sailors get more time sailing with the top sailors and also get the opportunity to compete for a trophy in the silver fleet in the second half of the titles.
Peter Elverd (vice commodore Wallaroo SC) and Neville Hank and other WSC members will turn on a social program that you will enjoy in sailing club facilities that you will love. There will be a sit down meal at the club on Friday night and a barbecue again at the club on Saturday night.
There will be members of both Wallaroo SC and Mawson Lakes MYC present to ensure that the event runs smoothly. All this in an environment where the emphasis will be on fun and enjoyable sailing.
What more could a RC Laser sailor want for the new year?
Have a good Christmas and we hope to see a good number of you at Wallaroo from May 3-5, 2024. And by the way if you want to make a 3 week holiday of it RC Lasers are featured at the SA Masters Games at Wallaroo on April 11-12.
Please pass this message on to other RCL sailors who you think may be interested.
Adrian Heard on behalf of the MLMYC RC Laser sub-committee
The arial view of the Copper Cove Marina, showing the flexibility it allows for setting courses for different wind directions.