Registration Open
The weekend of April 10th and 11th is the RC Laser South Australian State Titles 2021 and here at the Club we are gearing up for a big event. Let’s hope that Covid-19 restrictions don’t prevent a large contingent of interstate visitors from participating in this event.
We have been informed that two of our past State Champions Scott Fleming (Vic) and Peter Burton (NSW) will be participating given that borders are open. Those two visitors may strongly tempt our other local State Champion Scott Mitchell to also take part. Throw Brad Hein from Portland into that mix and it should be a very keenly contested series.
We expect a strong group of local sailors (Mawson Lakes and Wallaroo) to be combined with a good Portland group, a Geelong group and a reasonable sized Patterson Lakes group, which should give us an excellent fleet for this event. We hope to see a contingent of Queenslanders and NSW sailors as well.
As an incentive for registering for these titles we are offering two barbeques to participants. On the Saturday evening we will draw the names of two registrants from a hat and they will be the lucky owners of one of these barbeques.

Registration is now available online at so please get those registrations rolling in.
Sailing at Port River is quite different to Mawson Lakes with more reliable sea breezes and slightly bigger waves. It has become a regular Laser sailing venue over the past few years, and we feel sure that you will enjoy the sailing experience.

Below is a map showing the access to Port River Sailing Club. The Club is on the Lefevre Peninsula to the north of Port Adelaide. The main road in the map is Victoria Road and you turn off to the Dolphin Sanctuary via Willochra St. The location of the club is shown by the black circle.

Registration is now available online at
Adrian Heard
Email Phone 0427 833 324