Report 2019 RC Laser National Championships

DOBROYD AQUATIC CLUB 25-28 April, 2019

DAY 1. An eventful first day of the Championships came to a close after 9 races. The wind was out of the west, but varied in its fickleness all day; essentially driving most sailors nuts with its variability, its strength and its dead spots.

We saw all sails during the day, from A to D, and many sailors found they had made wrong sail choices once on the water. Once the racing had settled down after the seeding races a rhythm developed moving from the B fleet to the A fleet, and back again for most people. There was little respite for those bouncing between the two fleets. A number of times, skippers found they could not capitalise on good finishes in the B fleet, once they went up to the A fleet. So, at the end of day 1. we saw a bit of a changing of the guard in the top order.

DAY 2 Frustrating! The wind was just not going to behave itself, and demonstrated that by moving all the time, causing constant course changes. We tried to set a course with a south westerly wind, and we got a couple of races in before some significant moves in the breeze caused the comedy of the day, with the course setters constantly changing positions. We moved to the eastern side of the deck and got in a race, and then the wind really started coming from all points of the compass. The course was set of the end of the point – that is a desperate move from our point of view, and then we moved into unknown territory by moving further around the point for a final few races. We only ended up have 4 races for the day!

To view more photos of the 2019 RC Laser National Championships click here

DAY 3 We all had our fingers crossed for what would unfold, and were greeted by a nice westerly breeze. Racing started with the course holding up, but the wind was slowly dying off until it became a millpond. Early lunch was called. At this stage it was generally considered that there was not much chance of any more sailing; but a bit of a puff came up out of the east and firmed into a nice B sail breeze for the rest of the day. The course was reset, and the final races were sailed in conditions we were hoping for all weekend. There was still some shuffling among the places, particularly lower down the score sheet, but Scott Fleming had it locked up from day 1. Brad Hein took second place, and Graham Brown took third – both finishing on the same points; but a countback separated them.

A great Championship. I want to acknowledge the great job done by the Race Officers – Scott Condie and Owen Jarvis on Day 1, then Paul Martin on Days 2 and 3. A special thanks needs to be given to our Scorer, Jayne Fleming; who carried out the job to perfection. I also want to note the efforts of all our members, volunteers, and outsiders who jumped in and helped make this a memorable event. Lastly, I want to thank everyone who competed for the good spirit that pervaded the event, and which made it an enjoyable event to be part of. Thanks to you all.

Noel McPherson #RCL65

RC Laser Perpetual State Team Shield

2019 RC Laser National Championships – Dobroyd Aquatic Club

Results at end of Day 1    (26/04/19)

Raw Points 32 22 14 8
Multiplier 1.0 1.8 1.8 3.6
Shield Points 32 40 25 29

2019 RC Laser National Championships Live Results

The 2019 RC Laser National Championships are underway. Check in here for live results.

Day 3 Sunday 28th April Results at Lunch

Day 2 Saturday 27th April Results at Lunch

Day 1 Friday 26th April Results at end of racing (13 races)

Day 1 Friday 26th April Results at lunch

2019 RC Laser Nationals NOR and Entry

RC Laser 2019 National Championships hosted by Dobroyd Aquatic Club

Update Feb 2019. The NOR, Entry form and full program are available for the 2019 RC Laser National Championships being held 25th – 28th April 2019.  The organising committee has been busy working through the details of the event. The annual championships dinner is being held on Saturday night 27th April at the Barnwell Park Golf Club – very close by to the sailing venue.  Optional practice sailing and a welcome BBQ is planned for Thursday afternoon/evening.  Early entries are encouraged by the committee as it helps with planning. Updates and registrations will be posted on this site. Click here to download the brochure which includes the full program and other useful information. 

Results 2018 RC Laser National Titles Raffle

2018 RC Laser National Titles RaffleMore news from the very successful 2018 RC Laser National Titles held over last weekend at Mawson Lakes. 

For the first time, the National Titles Organising Committee conducted a raffle as part of the event. Participants were provided with tickets as part of the entry price and additional tickets were sold. The raffle was drawn at the 2018 RC Laser National Titles dinner, held on Saturday night. 

Overall, there were 1585 tickets sold of which 350 went to entrants of the National Titles.  210 tickets were sold interstate.

Members of Mawson Lakes Model Yacht Club did an amazing job in selling over 1,000 tickets. And many thanks go to those from interstate who helped sell raffle tickets. You helped substantially with the running of the National Titles.

Ticket sellers included Bob Caldow of Club Kawana Radio Yachting, Sunshine Coast; Geoff Smith of Paradise Radio Yacht Club, Gold Coast; Noel McPherson of Dobroyd Aquatic Club, Sydney; Scott Fleming of Patterson Lakes Radio Model Yacht Club, Melbourne; and Gary Hein of Portland Yacht Club, Victoria.

The raffle was a great success, and Alex Hayter is the very happy owner of a new RC Laser.

Results of the raffle draw were as follows: 

MLMYC 2018 RC Laser National Titles Raffle 

1st prize an RC Laser

Ticket 1625 , Alex Hayter, Member MLMYC


 2nd prize – $100

Ticket 1709 , Peter Christopher, SA


3rd prize $50 or club m/ship

Ticket 321, Kate Quigley, Member MLMYC

Prizes drawn by Councillor Stephen White at the 2018 RC Laser National Titles Dinner.